Educated at St Georges School Windsor where I was a chorister, and then at Gordonstoun School in Morayshire where I developed an interest in Ceramics.
I attended the University for the Creative Arts in Farnham 2009-2014 in Fine Art and Ceramics and gained a diploma in 3DDesign (Ceramics).While at the university, in 2009 I represented the college at the world ceramic conference (ISCAEE) in Korea, and again in 2011 in Japan, where I exhibited ceramics, and participated in student projects.
I was commissioned in 2012 to produce 9 ecclesiastical heads of Bishops of Farnham for a permanent exhibit at the castle. I was also commissioned in 2015 to produce further ecclesiastical narrative heads of a front bench MP and his wife.
I believe my influences have been the many hours I spent in St Georges Chapel in my formative years. A visit to Florence when I was a teenager was highly influencial in my development of a love of sculpture, and Renaissance art.